Marjorie Weaver Asian Lady Lake

Posted on Tuesday, April 6th, 2010

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Location: Wyoming

Marjorie Weaver was born in Rochester, New York in 1917. She later moved to Kentucky as the daughter of an Army chaplain stationed at Fort Knox. She graduated as a Registered Nurse from Kentucky Baptist Hospital in Louisville. During her studies there she met and later married a seminary student also studying in Louisville. Together with her husband they started numerous churches in the United States and later in Asia as a missionary/pastor team. That was in addition to raising seven children. Although usually in the background cheerfully taking care of the details she was “the wings” that balanced the energy of her husband’s “rockets”.

She never wrote a book. No one will ever sing a song she wrote. However, her impact on those who had the good fortune to meet and know her was immeasurable. Although she passed away in 2005 memories of time spent with her go on. I can speak with certainty on this topic because I was her fourth child. Marjorie Weaver was my mother.

Therefore, it is with great love for both my parents that after dedicating the Harris Horse to my father that I now dedicate The Eye of the Harris Horse, the Asian Lady Lake, to my mother Marjorie Elizabeth Weaver Harris.

“Amazing Grace How Sweet The Sound That Saved A Wretch Like Me

I Once Was Lost But Now I’m Found    Was Blind But Now I See”

Hendon Harris

Marjorie Weaver Asian Lady Lake

The Beak of the 10th Sun Raven STILL GLOWS!

Categorized as Geoglyphs/Maps, Photos

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