Totems Originated In China and Spread to North and South America

Posted on Wednesday, August 25th, 2010

For most people, the word “totem” conjures up images of the beautiful totem poles carved into wood by the natives of the Pacific North West.  However, I believe the roots of this art and the […]

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Connection Between The Horned Serpent (Snake) Myth Of North America and the Chinese Dragon

Posted on Friday, August 20th, 2010

In the beginning of Chinese history the snake, not the dragon, was the most significant Chinese totem but the snake was to evolve over the millennia into the dragon totem which “many Chinese people use.… […]

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Pangu Totems in North America (Continued)

Posted on Monday, August 16th, 2010

The particular Pangu likeness created in ancient California near Topaz Lake and Highway #395 is (1) The Furry Dog Head with Horns.
Not only do I believe that this and the other Pangu geoglyphs were created […]

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